The International Youth Advisory Board 2023

The International Youth Advisory Board (IYAB)
A network of LGBTQ+ youth aged 14-21 in Canada, the USA, the UK, and Mexico, who are interested in research with LGBTQ+ youth.
The International Youth Advisory Board (IYAB) provides valuable insight into the needs of LGBTQ+ youth locally, ensuring that INQYR’s research remains youth-focused and culturally relevant! The board members also participate in skill- and confidence-building workshops (e.g., CV-writing) to build youth capacity.

Meet Our Current 2023 IYAB Members!

Read more about the International Youth Advisory Board
⋆ Attend and engage in 4-6 2-hour meetings throughout the year where you will get to know the other board members, provide feedback on research materials, and participate in workshops.
⋆ Review materials and provide feedback to prepare for discussions in IYAB meetings.
⋆ Complete intake and exit surveys to track your progress over time and provide feedback on the IYAB.
⋆ Completing small (optional) research tasks like translating research materials or creating media for INQYR studies (e.g., recording a scripted voiceover, making informative social media posts).
⋆ Directly impact our research by providing youth-focused feedback on recruitment materials (e.g., flyers), data collection tools (e.g., surveys, interview guides), and resources (e.g., infographics, guides, pamphlets)!
⋆ Develop skills and confidence in workshops geared towards the needs of LGBTQ+ youth (e.g., queer-inclusive employability)!
⋆ Represent LGBTQ+ youth in your area and have your voices heard by leading international researchers!
⋆ Be part of a supportive group of LGBTQ+ youth who have a shared interest in advocacy through research!
⋆ Live translation from English to Mexican Spanish so you can hear about the unique perspectives from other LGBTQ+ youth in all four countries!
⋆ Receive a $200 Amazon gift card to treat yourself to something nice!
⋆ Receive a participation certificate showcasing your volunteer hours and passion for LGBTQ+ youth wellbeing!

Hear from our previous board members!
“The IYAB empowered me to authentically speak about my experiences as an LGBTQ+ youth”
“The IYAB exposed me to international perspectives that I hadn’t previously considered”
“I feel like I was able to influence research with queer youth through the IYAB”
“I loved participating in IYAB, I learned a lot from everyone. I always felt sheltered by you and I hope to join you in another project soon. :)”

Read more about the Amazing
LGBTQ+ Youth on our 2021-2022 IYAB!