Exploring the psychological and physiological impacts of digital microaggressions and hostile online climates on LGBTQ+ youth

IcInroy, L. B., Beer, O. W., Scheadler, T. R., Craig, S. L., & Eaton, A. D. (2023). Exploring the psychological and physiological impacts of digital microaggressions and hostile online climates on LGBTQ+ youth. Current Psychology, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-023-04435-1

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  • Youth who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community experience online peer victimization at a larger rate than heterosexual youths, creating negative long-term effects on their psychological and physiological health

  • There is a limited amount of data on LGBTQ+ youths’ experiences in dealing with digital microaggressions

Study Description

  • The Transactional Model of Stress and Coping was employed by researchers to provide a framework for dealing with stress-inducing stimuli, stressor appraisal, coping strategies, and outcomes (n = 1179; aged 14-24)

  • Digital vignettes were used to show anti-LGBTQ+ microaggressions where, after viewing, participants answered how the posts made them feel mentally, emotionally, physically, and as an LGBTQ+ person

  • A cross-sectional approach was used to analyze the data and three coders independently analyzed the responses

Key Findings

  • Participants cognitive responses to microaggressions included externalizing negative responses towards others, internalizing negative appraisals about themselves, or coping through avoidance

  • Emotional responses from participants included protective coping through positive emotions such as pride and improved sense of self after viewing microaggression

  • Microaggressions can result in long-term physiological difficulties including self-harm and social withdrawal


· The connection between microaggressions and its impact on psychophysiological health exists in online environments and is prevalent among LGBTQ+ youths

· Making the consequences of anti-LGBTQ+ microaggressions more salient can help to combat it


Adapting vignettes for internet-based research: eliciting realistic responses to the digital milieu


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