Research hub
The online research hub offers a searchable database of INQYR publications, organized by date and tagged with relevant themes and topics, and is part of our commitment to open science. Find publication summaries on topics like affirmative practice, resilience, or identity development. Each entry includes a summary of the research and links out to the article. The hub is frequently updated.
How to use: Filter publications by theme or topic using the left-hand panel or use the search bar to search keywords. Open-access articles are tagged as such.
Setting the Game Agenda: Reviewing the Emerging Literature on Video Gaming and Psychological Well-Being of Sexual and Gender Diverse Youth
Video games may contribute to the well-being of SGDY in positive (e.g., identity development and involvement with affirming communities) and negative ways (e.g., exposure to microaggressions). Future research is recommended to quantitatively test these factors, which could influence the well-being of the SGDY community.