Daragh McDermott
Discipline: LGBTQ+ Psychology
Daragh McDermott is the Associate Dean for Psychology in the School of Social Sciences. He is Professor of Social & LGBTQ psychology with expertise in prejudice, discrimination and LGBTQ population's wellbeing. He is a Chartered Psychologist, an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Daragh was awarded a B.A (Hons) Psychology and a PhD in Experimental Social Psychology from NUI Galway and a PGCert (Learning & Teaching) from ARU Cambridge. Daragh's research focusses on sexual and gender minorities and has included examinations of the prevalence prejudice and discrimination, sexual health, conceptual understandings of prejudice and the development and validation of both psychometric measures and interventions aimed at improving attitudes and enhancing psychological wellbeing. Daragh is Co-Editor in Chief of the Taylor and Francis journal Psychology & Sexuality which he co-edits in collaboration with Professor Todd Morrison (University of Saskatchewan).
You can contact Daragh at daragh.mcdermott@ntu.ac.uk